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Without doubt, the reason you are reading this is because you simply want to maximise your return on your property's investment through Rental income or Maintenance improvements. However, you most likely do not have the time to deal with it all! - This is exactly where Ewi Home Services comes in handy!
We handle all the work involved while you put your mind at rest.
Duties include handling of any sort of maintenance, checking-in tenants, advertising the property, managing your short let calendar, liaising with potential tenants, cleaning, laundry, tenant requests / complaints, paying of bills, contracts, rental fee collection, forwarding of post..and so on...
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General Market Overview:
As a known fact, purchasing any kind of property is simply the best investment one can possibly make. Located in the heart of the Mediterranean, Malta is especially known to many expats who choose this island as their permanent or temporary residence.
Ewi Home Services offer complete peace of mind to all property owners who need to upkeep their properties but do not have the time (or patience) to do so. As Property Management demand is increasing here in Malta, we however offer nothing less than individual attention where great care and attention is dedicated to each and every client. Property Management in Malta offered by Ewi Home Services is a service like no other. We Care. We love the job. We want to see you satisfied!
Malta has a huge potential when it comes to Property Rental for investment purposes and we may comfortably say that Rental in Malta was never as fruitful as it is today. Ewi home services comes in handy once again since we can handle everything that comes with renting out your property. Obviously, keeping you updated during each and every step or process of the Rental.
Why buy a property in Malta? - Globally, the Property market has dramatically increased in sales and is projected to keep increasing. Prices have soared over the past 20 years as never before and will keep soaring which makes Malta an ideal Retirement place to live or stay in due to its natural beauties and History. Malta is a small island accommodating approximately 400,000 inhabitants. Maltese History is pretty much impressive, where ample museums scattered around the island may surely help you obtain a better understanding of iconic places such as Valletta, Mdina, The three cities, the temples (some amongst the oldest in the World!), amongst much more. Being such a small island nowhere is far in Malta - Amenities, Shopping centres, beautiful churches, picturesque beaches, unparalleled sea, stunning spring and summer weather, and of course one could also pay a visit to Malta's smaller sister islands Gozo and Comino via a 20 minute Gozo Ferry trip.